5×5 with Tony Xia: Horror and Table Tennis

Tony is a veteran ClickDealer AM who’s been with the company for years, and the amount of successful marketers he is managing is a testament to his talent. Here are a few tidbits about his life that paint the face behind the legend.
1. Describe yourself in three words.
Honorable, kind, meditative.
2. What do you love most about your position?
My favorite thing about this job is the ability to communicate with all kinds of people, make new friends and learn their way of thinking. Managing someone for years, you really get to know the person.
3. What is your favorite pastime?
I love traveling, rarely go a year without visiting a new country. Movies would be a close second, and I’m really into videogames.
4. What makes an ideal vacation for you?
Fine weather and delicate cate is all I need to relax no matter where I am. I keep it simple.
5. What are your top 5 songs and movies?
I like horror movies, so my top 5 will be something like The Shining, Saw, Ju-On, The Ring, and Triangle.
Don’t listen to a lot of music though, mostly Chinese songs you probably haven’t heard about.
Now it’s time for a bunch of random facts about Tony’s day-to-day:
– I’ve tried a bunch of exotic animal-based foods, but absolutely hate liver.
– I came out on top in my school’s table tennis championship.
– The first football uniform I ever got was England number 4 in 1998, it was Paul Ince.
– I got into cooking when I was 18 years old, and have been absolutely in love with it ever since.
– I really don’t practice Kung Fu.
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