Affiliate Marketing Trends 2019

2019 approaches quickly, already peeking from around the corner, and while this time of the year is generally all about new aspirations and quite often – higher expectations, knights of the digital battlefield have to know exactly which way the industry is moving, or will have to pay dearly for being unaware.
Luckily for online marketers, the value of chance in our industry actually correlates to the degree of predictivity present here as well, and if carefully examined we can tell certain upcoming marketing trends rather precisely already today!
These tendencies touch upon both the direction and the nature of the most profitable advertising technics worth being implemented into your own strategy in the year to come and imply unifying technology, creativity and experience to attain maximum user engagement and reach.
Without further ado, here’s our pick on the hottest digital marketing trends in 2019:
Native Advertising & Personalized Content
As the world wide web expands steadily becoming more and more chaotic, those whom the technology was originally created for – the people, seem to have been let down in terms of the most important aspect any product has to offer – the user experience, finding it more and more frustrating to surf the web with every other empty page spot lost to banner ads.
More so, continuous bombardment with senseless CTA’s inevitably diminishes engagement – a crucial string for any successful ad campaign to be played out.
This all leads to internet users longing for that unique, personalized content that really taps in the needs of their daily life. No wonder that native advertising has been on the rise for the last several years, and you can bet it will dominate even more in 2019!
Apart from looking more natural, seamlessly-infused ads show that effort has been put in and there’s factual care about the user experience, or as they call it today – customer-centric approach, which is where people begin to feel understood.
Voice Search
Ever since the introduction of internet into our lives, the challenge of improving the human-to-device communicational speed has been crucial for technological development and our ability to apply it according to our needs.
Going from computer- and qwerty keyboards to predictive typing on touch screens – we are now entering the era of voice search!
Human’s most natural form of communication is now available for web-surfing, and soon – organizing your whole life. The new technology steadily occupies new areas of aplication and soon voice assistants will be integrated into virtually all equipment and software.
The very nature of search request is changing already, and next year will be vital for marketers to pick up the trend and harvest the benefits from it!
Much as the social media networks are an awesome communicational tool, the truth is that to the digital marketing industry they are also heavenly-sent natural audiences’ aggregators, and it so happens to be that Instagram is the most engaging one currently, turning from an unpretentious photo & video sharing service into one of the fastest-growing advertising platforms virtually overnight.
While Facebook keeps bouncing from one trouble to another, constantly inventing new levels of regulations in their latest attempts to save the face, marketers couldn’t be happier with IG’s daily business-focused updates and all the effort to sooth down the merge of digital retail and social interaction.
Influencer marketing
Now, reaching a targeting audience is just the tip of the multi-storey iceberg of user conversion. In order for an ad to really strike the hearts of those it is aimed at, we still have to refer to the Aristotle’s famous trio of persuasion, and while ‘logos’ (appeal to logics) and ‘pathos’ (appeal to emotion) naturally lie in the very product description and your advertising angle, the ‘ethos’ (appeal to ethics) part can only be gained through obtaining trust and respect to the source of information.
This where influencer marketing takes the stand. Yes, recruiting celebrities for promotion isn’t a revolutionary practice, as various parfum and beauty brands have been using it since what seems like forever. Nonetheless, this year our industry invested heavily into influence marketing, and 2019 is looking to furtherly uphold the trend.
Global consumerism pushing E-commerce (& Dropshipping)
If you ask anyone what is the main activity the world is preoccupied with at the moment it wouldn’t take an Einstein to point in the direction of commerce. We produce, advertise, ship and sell 24/7, still managing to tuck in additional super-sale days where even automation fails to comb through the multitude of orders placed each second.
Needless to say, online retail is leading the digital marketing parade, remaining among the most lucrative verticals to work with.
“Dropshipping has been a hot topic among affiliates this year, radically occupying new markets thanks to the simplicity of logistics and tangible economical value. That being said, the low-margin nature of drop-shipping restrains it from becoming a full-scale vertical.” – Nik, Sr. Sales Manager
Big data driven AI solutions
Technological progress is irresistible and 2018 is marked by a radical leap towards achieving successful brain mimicry and extreme computing capabilities, providing both the grounds and the means for big data and artificial intelligence to really take off.
While the two (big data and AI) are effectively powerless on their own, when united yield god-like targeting abilities and blue-chip marketing opportunities otherwise unimaginable, and in 2019 we are going to see more and more AI-based solutions at the aid of online marketers.
Crypto & Financial Offers
Regardless of the frequent government regulations and stock price fluctuations, crypto currencies continue to be a profitable subject for affiliate marketers, and are expected to reignite in 2019.
For the ClickDealer team, adopting the crypto vertical this year has been a blessing and all signs currently point to it furtherly scaling up.
If you need a vivid and up-to-date example of technology threatening business, then programmatic advertising is your go-to choice, with publishers’ worst fear – ad price collapse – looking more and more real as we approach the end of Q4.
Naturally, no industry can ignore the interests of such a big part of one’s self, as ad buyers and sellers seem to have found a compromise in “pre-negotiated” deals, where prices and inventory details are agreed on prior to the fact of ad purchase.
All that mentioned, eMarketer forecasts programmatic display ad spend in the US to skyrocket from $47.37 billion in 2018 to some $68.87 billion by 2020.
Push Traffic & Chat Bots
Among affiliates themselves, push notifications are considered this year’s official life jacket, and next year we are going to see even more marketers employ custom-created chatbots to jump-start the funnel and accelerate potential conversion.
“Like any other ‘hot’ traffic type, you still need to learn the nuances of the users’ habits to wield full potential from push traffic. Leveraging the best practices like local time zones and user routines, along with striking a balance between automation, dynamic user experience and reliable 24/7 support – will likely be the key to successful push campaigns next year.” – Henry Whitfield, Head of Global Supply
Now you know what are the key digital marketing trends to look out for in 2019. Wisely apply the information and have a profitable new year!
Nice article especially spoke about cryptocurrency and the chatbot, both of these are going to be upcoming trends for sure.
Thanks’ for your comment! Cryptocurrency indeed is a lucrative niche right now – check out our Exclusive Crypto offers to jump on the bandwagon!
Great Article. I also think that push traffic and chatbots are gonna be the new thing for marketing this year. Well, I’m still a bit confused if how video search is gonna speed up the communication though.
Thank you for your reply! Yes, push traffic and bots are definitely among the hot topics this year, and what concerns the communication speed you’ve mentioned – this was to mean specifically the human-to-device bandwidth aka the quickness of making an internet request, which definitely takes less time with voice rather than typing.
affiliate marketing sense and also seems helpful for small business,