All eyes here!

Familiar with our Loyalty Program? This is the privilege provided for the affiliates who work with ClickDealer. You make money and get points for that. Having collected enough points you can trade them for our luxury prizes. The Program was launched on October,2013. At the lapse of half a year dozens of our affiliates are already enjoying their rewards. Now it’s your turn!
You have 6 months left to hop on and to earn yourself a prize cause October 1,2014 all the points will be reset to zero. No time to waste!
It’s only one part of the story! In order to motivate you even more we’ve decided to heat up the competition and to throw a real challenge! Those who are used to always be #1 this is your chance to prove it one more time! At the end of our Loylalty Program we will announce the Ultimate Affiliate! The one that collects most points during 1 year gets a groovy weekend trip for two to an exotic destination! In this fast growing business you better don’t drag your feet.
Sign up if you still haven’t and get rewarded for your success!