ClickDealer Platform Feature Breakdown: Rotations

Affiliate marketing industry revolves around finding accurate data and processing it efficiently – tasks that are made much easier when you have all the required tools at hand.
As you might very well know, we released our own tracking platform in Feb’18 and have been improving it since – to give you all the needed tools to set up and manage your campaigns conveniently in one place.
Starting off the series of feature reviews today, we’d like to take a closer look at one in particular – one of our latest additions and definitely a life-saving tool called Rotations.
At the core of it, Rotations allow you to directly split-test multiple offers or various creative combinations within a single campaign, without the need to set up and monitor multiple campaigns separately.
To do so, go to ‘Offers’ –> ‘Rotations’ –> ‘Add rotation’ and simply check the offers/creatives you want to split test to have them added into the rotation. You will then get a single link to run traffic to – and it will be automatically distributed between the selected destinations according to the proportion you set (or equally).
How great would it be to only set up 1 ad campaign and test several offers at once? ;)
When there’s enough data, you can open the Rotation summary under ‘Reports’ to single out and focus on the winner – or change % shares to redistribute the traffic based on your campaigns/creatives performance.
Keep in mind, Rotation summary is a standalone report so you won’t see stats on rotations in other reports – but of course, stats for each specific campaign that was part of the rotation will be included into all of your regular reporting.
Tip: This can save you millennia on copy-pasting the multitude of tracking links and LP pathways traditionally required to A/B test.
Tip #2: If you just want to split test different landing pages of one offer, there is an easier way to do it – just pick ‘Creatives split’ in the dropdown when generating your unique tracking link on campaign page.
Stay tuned for further updates on the topic and let our platform serve your best benefit!
Nice article