ClickDealer Recaps Affiliate World Asia

Stack That Money’s big debut Affiliate World Asia is over and it was nothing short of amazing. Three fruitful days of intense networking and heavy partying left us with fond memories, a ton of follow-ups to go through, and big hopes for Affiliate World Europe in Berlin this summer. Let us take you through the event from our perspective as we recap the largest affiliate marketing event by far in 2015.
For the ClickDealer team the adventure started a day earlier, on December 6th. We decided to treat our partners to a bombshell party that would kick things off in Bangkok and set a high note for the coming three days. So was born The Red Night. A select few of our closest circle had been gathered at a nondescript location in the city, split into teams, and from there a race full of insanity began.
We don’t want to make it too graphic, so here’s a list of things that were involved in the race: guns, scuba gear, insect cuisine, ferries, strippers and a fighting ring. The rest is up to your speculation. To top it all off, most of the night was spent on the roof of a skyscraper with even more of ClickDealer’s hustlers slamming shots and making plans.
The first day of Affiliate World Asia opened up with a crowd of hungry players grabbing passes in the lobby and greeting familiar faces filling up the conference hall. We caught up with a few guys slightly worn out from the day before and made our way to the hall as well. Caurmen and Mr. Green took the room back to the days long past with stories about old-school affiliate marketing and the founding of STM, immediately followed by The Angry Russian, Tim Tetra and Ryan Holiday dropping knowledge heavy enough to crash the stage.
These speeches alone would be worth a ticket, but this was only the beginning. Inspired and energized, the crowd flooded the Meet Market corridors and all hell broke loose. Handshake after handshake, business card after business card, industry history was being made. We barely noticed our flyers disappear, it was glorious.
However, drinks at our evening networking event seemed to disappear even faster. The crowd was unbelievable; we had a ton of fun putting names to faces and putting faces in photos.
Day 2 followed pretty much the same formula. It started off with huge speeches that shook the room once again. David Resnick and Charles Ngo were particularly eye-opening. In the evening there were more networking events for different niches in the industry.
Meet the Speakers went great, especially since we had good relationships with most of them years prior to the event. It was a heartwarming get-together. App and Mixed Traffic events had a lot of interesting people attending as well; we met some old acquaintances and made some surprising connections.
Third day’s major event was the GMAT forum, it had a lot of useful revelations about the Asian market and we’ve been developing that direction for quite a while. We are certainly going to follow the tips received; our hats are off to the panel holders. The latter part of the day was spent hanging out in Bangkok, visiting some of the places recommended by our local partners and admiring the city’s beautiful scenery. Sunset over Bangkok is a sight you should definitely see at least once in your lifetime. It was the best ending one could possibly ask for to such a grand adventure.
Then again, it wasn’t the ending for some of us, because a huge group of affiliates didn’t stop at that and decided on the spot to take the party to Ko Samui. Not an uncommon occurrence for ClickDealer’s partners. Part of our team was up for it and carried on as well, bringing back stories that went for days.
There was much more that can’t be put in words or captured in a photo, so join us for the next big event and experience it for yourself!