ClickDealer’s Big Day: LEGENDary Meetup contest is officially on!

Attention, those of you who were at our last meetup in Spain and those who couldn’t make it. Pack your togas, sandals and laurel wreaths because this year ClickDealer team is going to conquer Greece with a bunch of smartest hustlers in the industry! There are going to be drinks on the beach and useful tips flying left and right from inebriated superaffiliates and their AMs. Everyone still remembers last year’s meetup in Spain but we’re definitely going to have to erase some pictures and videos from this one. Dionysus doesn’t joke around.
To get a ride on a golden chariot over Mt. Olympus you need to sign up for the contest, drive as much traffic as you can and get ready for the hottest event of this summer. The contest starts April 08 and ends August 08. Four months to make it happen!
There’s a wide range of categories where you can find a niche to dominate in, taking you one step closer to an all-inclusive free trip to Mykonos Island, Greece, famous for world’s best beaches washed over by the Aegan Sea and parties that make Ibiza look like a chess match in an old folks’ home.
Claim your element and reign supreme, only the ones seated at the Pantheon get a pass to the Island of Gods.
Don’t lose time and join the contest right now. Make your move!