Making your landing pages load FAST

Slow landing pages are not good for CR. People tend to go back or close the page as soon as they realise the page is taking too long to show up.
I’m going to show you a couple of techniques to make your landing pages load as fast as possible.
Smaller libraries
Most likely, you have several libraries in your landing page. Libraries like Bootstrap or Foundation for your stylesheets and jQuery for your scripts. While these libraries make it a lot easier for you to build something, they often come at a big cost. These libraries come packed with a lot of tools, but only a few of them prove useful on a regular basis. Take a hard look at these libraries and try to cut out everything your landing page or campaign doesn’t need, or try to find smaller, tightly packed libraries that only contain the tools you really need.
Customise your HTML/CSS framework.
You can get a customized version of Bootstrap and select only the things you actually require. That way you will end up with a much smaller version of the library and it will speed up your pages.
Foundation also has a way of selecting only the options you need.
Finding an alternative JavaScript library
Microjs is a great website where you can find small scripts that usually do one specific thing. If you only need to select elements, you are better off using another small library instead of jQuery. It’s a great library, but often you don’t need everything it offers.
Finding an alternative HTML/CSS library
While frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation are great, they still tend to be on the bulky side. In most cases you need just a small grid system and the rest you will write yourself. In that case you can take a look at some of the smaller libraries like SimpleGrid, Pure or Kube.
Compress your Stylesheets & Scripts
After you’re done creating your landing pages or campaigns, it’s also a good practice to compress your assets. The browser that ends up reading your stylesheets and scripts doesn’t care about line breaks or comments. When you remove them, your assets will become much smaller and it will increase the overall speed performance of your page.
While there are many tools available for that, external services can also do it for you.
Here are some of them:
Online JavaScript/CSS Compressor
Online Javascript Compression Tool
Minify your CSS
Compress your Images
Compressing your images is also a good idea. Image quality is important, but users often prefer fast loading time to high resolution. There is no golden rule when it comes to compressing an image, but try to find the balance between small image file size and acceptable image quality.
Here are some of the sites that can greatly reduce the file size of your images:
Remove unnecessary code
There is a good chance your landing pages and campaigns contain a lot of unnecessary code. HTML, CSS or JavaScript that is not used should be removed in order to make everything as light as possible.
There are some tools out there that scan your pages for unused CSS or JavaScript, which you can remove to make them faster.
Unused CSS
Dust-Me Firefox Extension
Use Content Delivery Networks
CDN is a great tool to optimise your page speed. jQuery, Bootstrap and most frameworks have a CDN option available for you to use.
Check out this link if you want to learn more about why you should use a CDN.
Great content, another thing yu could do is use a dns acceleration service like Dnsmadeeasy
Awesome tutorial. Those minifiers are very useful. There are also some other good minifiers / compressors that i use.