Welcome to ClickDealer Nitro!

It is here. The affiliate race of a lifetime. The no-holds-barred competition with six-figures in the rules and luxury cars on the line. The all-encompassing six-month contest we have been preparing you all this time for. Welcome to ClickDealer Nitro!
Get your foot on the gas pedal and prepare to floor it, because it’s all about speed. ClickDealer Nitro runs from January 18th to July 18th, and in that timeframe you need to amass revenue and snatch prizes before anyone else can. The amount of prizes for each reward tier is limited. Which of our offers count towards your contest revenue? All of them. So, once again, prizes are limited, offers are not. This chart will help you navigate how many prizes are in the pool (detailed data are available on your dashboard):

Noticed a distinct lack of luxury cars in the chart above? That is because going for the grand prize is an entirely different ball game. Besides the prizes, for each $100k revenue you make during the contest, you can purchase a flag. At the end of the contest, we will hold a raffle for a Porsche Taycan 4S, where all the purchased flags will act as lottery numbers. The more flags you get, the higher your odds are of pulling a winning number. The more volume you run during ClickDealer Nitro’s timeframe, the more flags you can purchase. Once again, it’s all about speed.
That was a quick crash course on the main rules of ClickDealer Nitro. Click the button below to get to the page where you can sign up for the contest, get access to the dashboard where you can track your progress and redeem prizes, and start gaining momentum towards the prize of your choosing. Ready, steady, go!