ClickDealer Blog

Franchise – the e-commerce bonus program you’ve been waiting for!

The holiday season is barrelling toward us at breakneck speed, with only a few days left until Singles Day starts filling the carts and emptying the wallets of people around the globe. Those who have been with ClickDealer for over a year already know that an e-commerce bonus program is inevitable in these conditions, so here we are to introduce the Franchise Bonus Program.

Growing a retail business has incredibly fulfilling milestones. From opening up a second location to breaking annual sales records to watching your franchise sprawl across continents, it is an experience few entrepreneurial pursuits can mirror. The Franchise Bonus Program offers a fast-tracked version of that journey with similar financial benefits and none of the responsibilities involved. Grow, achieve milestones, and cash in – that is the name of the game.

Now, for the rules.

The full list of offers taking part in the Franchise Bonus Program can be found HERE.
And remember, only approved leads will be counted when calculating your reward. Your revenue growth and bonuses will be calculated based on approved orders and paid out at the end of the program.

Every empire starts with the first brick, or in your case, the first lead. Don’t waste another minute, turn up your traffic volume to eleven, and start building your own franchise!



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