Tips & Guides

Digital love revolution: the future of online dating

The online dating industry is not only growing, it is transforming.

From MIT’s questionnaire-based Data-Mate in the 60s to the Web 1.0 days of to the mass proliferation of niche dating services in the 2000s to the rule of Tinder and mobile location-based matchmaking starting at the beginning of the previous decade, online dating has been constantly changing shape. With the advent of generative AI, the industry is due for another massive change. What is it going to look like decades from now?

When peering into the near future of an industry, the insights that help shape the picture come in the form of earnings reports, industry surveys, market studies, and stock market analysis. For far-reaching predictions, however, that will not suffice. Lifting the veil on the shape of an industry decades from now, especially one rooted in technology that keeps advancing at a breakneck pace, takes specialized knowledge in every facet of it. That is exactly what this report aims to provide: informed opinions on the future of the online dating industry from sociological, technological, and economic standpoints.

Naturally, putting together a comprehensive vision on this type of subject would require a collaborative effort, so we have reached out to experts from the industry and academia to get an in-depth 360 perspective. The respondents list includes the Director of the Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence at The Pennsylvania State University, professors from Michigan State University, University College Dublin, University of Huddersfield, and developers from Tinder.

How will AI matchmaking affect online dating?
Is there unfulfilled demand in the current online dating market?
Can predictive user profiles endanger user privacy?
How does the growth of online dating affect our society?

Those are some of the questions we attempt to answer in Digital Love Revolution: The Future of Online Dating.


  1. Pena

    In my opinion, this digital revolution application is very good, but there are some disadvantages, for example, it endangers privacy.

  2. Faisa Bahri

    In Liquid Love Zygmunt Bauman argued that the solidity and security once provided by lifelong partnerships has been ‘liquefied’ by rampant individualisation and technological change


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